3-D Dinosaur Adventure

3-D Dinosaur Adventure is an educational video game by Knowledge Adventure released on CD-ROM for MS-DOS compatible operating systems in 1993. Versions for Macintosh and Windows 3.x were published in 1996. A 1997 re-release and an updated version for Macintosh and Microsoft Windows is titled 3-D Dinosaur Adventure: Anniversary Edition.

3-D Dinosaur Adventure is presented as a theme park, with areas for the player to explore, including an encyclopedia, a quiz, and a virtual museum. They offer insight into how dinosaurs lived and evolved. Additionally, activities teach players how to use fossil photo records and illustrations for visual recognition of dinosaurs.

The title comes packaged with 3D glasses and has special areas that make use of them.

There is also a Doom clone in which the player has to save the dinosaurs from the comet that is about to hit the Earth.


Ty the Tasmanian Tiger


Champions: Return to Arms